News Archive
2022-06-15Anders Hansson has received a WASP grant.
2022-06-15Isaac Skog has received a WASP grant for a project about signal processing for autonomous underwater systems.
2022-06-15Gustaf Hendeby has received a WASP grant for a project about distributed learning of augmented state-space models.
2022-06-13Fredrik Gustafsson's research about cattle monitoring is given attention in the local newspaper Östgöta Correspondenten.
2022-03-25Daniel Axehill has received an EOARD grant for a project about belief-space motion planning.
100 PhD theses have now been defended at our division since the first one in 1982.
LiU news
Claudio Altafini's research about modeling of climate negotiations is given attention on the university homepage.
Angela Fontan's PhD defense was successfully held online today.
Angela Fontan's and Claudio Altafini's research on government formation processes using network models is given attention on the university's homepage.
LiU news
Kristin Nielsen's licentiate presentation was successfully held online today.
Fredrik Gustafsson is one of the authors of an article in Läkartidningen that describes key aspects of Covid-19 modelling.
Article (in Swedish)
Per Boström-Rost's PhD defense was successfully held online today.
Kristoffer Bergman's PhD defense was successfully held online today.
Magnus Malmström's licentiate presentation was successfully held online today.
Fredrik Gustafsson is interviewed about Covid-19 statistics and restrictions in an article by Yle.
Article (in Swedish)
Daniel Arnström's licentiate presentation was successfully held online today.
Fredrik Gustafsson is one of the authors of an article that describes testing strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Article (in Swedish)
Johan Löfberg shares some experiences of distance teaching in a LiU web article.
Article (in Swedish)
Claudio Altafini has received an ELLIIT grant.
2021-02-08Martin Enqvist has received an ELLIIT grant.
Robin Forsling's licentiate presentation was successfully held online today.
Erik Hedberg's licentiate presentation was successfully held online today.
Fredrik Gustafsson has received a Vinnova grant for a project about radio-based localization of missing persons.
2020-11-23Gustaf Hendeby and Zoran Sjanic have received a Vinnova grant for a project about Multi-sensor image-based navigation.
2020-11-02Claudio Altafini has received a VR grant about Multi-agent dynamics and collective decisions on signed networks.
2020-11-02Isaac Skog has received a VR grant about Tensor-field based localization.
2020-11-02Daniel Axehill has received a Vinnova strategic vehicle research (FFI) grant.
Svante Gunnarsson has received LiTH's teacher prize.
Announcement (in Swedish)
Fredrik Gustafsson has received an ELLIIT grant.
2020-10-14Anders Hansson has received an ELLIIT grant.
2020-10-05Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie has received a CENIIT grant.
2020-09-14Isak Nielsen and Johan Dahlin, who are PhD graduates from the group, at AgriOpt has made it into Ny Teknik's top-33 startup list.
Christian Andersson Naesseth (PhD Dec 2018) has received the Savage award (theory and methods) for best doctoral dissertation in Bayesian econometrics and statistics.
The Savage award
Twitter announcement
Claudio Altafini has received funding from ELLIIT for a project about Dynamics and control of data-driven networks.
2020-06-15Daniel Axehill has received funding from ELLIIT for a project about Robust motion planning.
Fredrik Ljungberg's licentiate presentation was successfully held online today.
Gustav Lindmark's PhD defense was successfully held online today.
Oskar Ljungqvist's PhD defense was successfully held online today.
2020-05-24Daniel Axehill has received a grant from WASP for a project about Unified task planning and optimal-control-based motion planning.
2020-05-10Martin Enqvist has received a grant from the William Demant Foundation for a project about nonlinear system identification for hearing assessment.
Fredrik Gustafsson has co-authored a Ny Teknik article about Covid-19 models.
Article (in Swedish)
Kamiar Radnosrati's PhD defense was successfully held online today.
News item
Fredrik Gustafsson has been interviewed on Swedish radio about his activities concerning wildlife protection in Project Ngulia.
Radio interview (in Swedish)
The students Niklas Stenberg and Karl Gudmundson have received prizes by Radionavigeringsnämnden for their MSc theses. Gustaf Hendeby was examiner for both and Andreas Bergström and Robin Forsling were supervisors.
Oskar Ljungqvist has given a popular science lecture based on his research about automatic planning for heavy vehicles, which has been broadcasted on Swedish TV.
Lecture (in Swedish)
Lennart Ljung has been awarded the Cedergren Medal by the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm.
More details
Isaac Skog has received a CENIIT grant for a project about Complex acoustic surveillance and tracking.
Fredrik Gustafsson has been invited to help in the search for the missing flight MH370.
LiU news
Isak Nielsen, who is a PhD graduate from the division, has been awarded the Åforsk Entrepreneurial Scholarship.
News article (in Swedish)
Oskar Ljungqvist's and Daniel Axehill's research about autonomous
trucks is given attention on the
university homepage.
LiU news
The MarineUAS network, in which our division is a partner, has
produced a video describing the research within the network.
Vinnova has granted funding to the innovation environment Agtech 2030,
with Fredrik Gustafsson as one of the co-applicants.
news (in Swedish)
Lennart Ljung has been awarded the Great Gold Medal by the Royal Swedish Academy of
Engineering Sciences (IVA).
LiU news
Fredrik Gustafsson and Daniel Axehill have received a Vinnova grant for a new project called iQDeep, which concerns machine learning for heavy duty vehicles. This is a joint project with Michael Felsberg and Scania.
The recent progress in Project Ngulia is given attention on the
university homepage.
Fredrik Gustafsson has been chosen as chairman for the new regional
business council within the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering
Sciences (IVA).
article (in Swedish)
Fredrik Gustafsson and Project Ngulia are given
attention in the Swedish newspaper Veckans affärer.
Article and video interview (in Swedish)
Kristoffer Bergman and Daniel Axehill have received the Best Application Paper Award at the 29th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2018) for the paper Combining Homotopy Methods and Numerical Optimal Control to Solve Motion Planning Problems.
2018-05-02Fredrik Gustafsson and Isaac Skog have received a grant from Vinnova for the research project Digitalized Search and Rescue, which is a joint project with Recco.
2018-03-12Claudio Altafini and Svante Gunnarsson have both been nominated for the pedagogical prize Gyllene skiftnyckeln, which is awarded by the mechanical engineering students at LiU.
2018-02-26Anton Ronquist and Birger Winroth have received the best paper award at the International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation for a paper based on their MSc thesis, which was carried out at the division with Svante Gunnarsson as examiner and Erik Hedberg as supervisor.
2017-11-23Out of 13077 articles published in the category Engineering Aerospace between 2010 and 2014, articles from our division are found on place 4 and 12, respectively. The ranking is based on Web of Science citation data.
- Place 4: Particle filter theory and practice with positioning applications. Gustafsson, Fredrik. IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE
- Place 12: Extended target tracking using a Gaussian-mixture PHD filter Granström, Karl; Lundquist, Christian; Orguner, Omut. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS
Daniel Axehill has been awarded an Iplom for the course Control Theory by the students at the Industrial Engineering and Management (I) program. The award is given annually to the top 5 courses for I students based on the course evaluation result.
2017-10-31Daniel Axehill has received a grant from the Swedish Research Council (VR) for the research project Real-time certification and reinforcement learning code generation for model predictive control.
2017-10-03Fredrik Gustafsson, Martin Enqvist and Gustaf Hendeby are arranging
the 2017 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned
Aerial Systems (RED-UAS) on October 3-5.
RED-UAS 2017
news (in Swedish)
Fredrik Gustafsson has been invited to a royal dinner in
recognition for his research.
news (in Swedish)
The paper Gradient-Based Recursive Maximum Likelihood Identification of Jump Markov Non-Linear Systems by Andre R. Braga, Carsten Fritsche, Fredrik Gustafsson, and Marcelo Bruno was second runner-up for the ISIF 2017 Tammy Blair Best Student Paper Award at the Fusion 2017 conference.
2017-08-15At the opening session of the 20th IFAC World Congress Lennart Ljung received the Nathaniel Nichols Medal "For making state-of-the art system identification techniques easily accessible to engineers and scientists through long-term commitment to software development". This is one of IFAC's Major Awards awarded once every three years.
2017-07-05Daniel Axehill with project partner Scania CV has received a grant from Vinnova/FFI for the research project Stability and controller structures for self-driving vehicles.
2017-06-14Claudio Altafini is one of the four principal investigators in a
project about Multi-resolution dynamical modelling of multiple
sclerosis that has received funding from the Swedish Foundation for
Strategic Research (SSF).
news (in Swedish)
The Wildlife Security initiative has received financial support
from the Norrköping Research Foundation for development of a digital
platform for use in the Kolmården zoo.
LiU news (in Swedish)
Christian A. Naesseth has received the Best paper award at the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics as one of the authors of the paper Reparameterization Gradients through Acceptance-Rejection Sampling Algorithms.
Fredrik Gustafsson has recently given two TEDx talks.
Göteborg 20161112
Norrköping 20170313
LINK-SIC (Linköping Center for Sensor Informatics and Control) has been granted competence center funding from Vinnova.
2017-03-03Gustaf Hendeby has been promoted to IEEE Senior Member.
2017-03-01Johan Löfberg, Inger Erlander Klein, Angela Fontan and Svante Gunnarsson have all been nominated for the pedagogical prize of the mechanical engineering students.
Kolmården Fundraising Foundation (KIS) has decided to donate new mobile
phones to the Wildlife Security project. The phones will be used by
the Ngulia rangers.
Wildlife Security
Manon Kok's PhD thesis is given attention on the
university homepage.
LiU news
Inger Erlander Klein has been nominated for Linköping University's leadership prize in her role as chairman for the educational board for computer science-oriented engineering programs.
2016-11-11Martin Enqvist has been awarded an Iplom for the course Industrial control systems by the students at the Industrial Engineering and Management (I) program. The award is given annually to the top 5 courses for I students based on the course evaluation result.
Christian A. Naesseth has been awarded a Fulbright grant and will
spend the academic year 2016/2017 as a visiting student researcher at
Columbia University, NYC, USA.
Commission: Swedish Graduate Student Program
The iQmatic project, in which Niclas Evestedt, Oskar Ljungqvist,
Daniel Axehill and Fredrik Gustafsson are involved, has been given
attention on Swedish TV.
SVT video (in Swedish)
Niklas Wahlström, Fredrik Gustafsson and Gustaf Hendeby are members
of a team that has been awarded a category prize in Venture Cup Öst.
release (in Swedish)
The high number of applicants to the WASP graduate school is given
attention in the local newspaper. There are six PhD students in WASP
from the control division so far.
Corren article (in Swedish)
Three students have received scholarships by
Radionavigeringsnämnden. Martin Szilassy and Daniel Örn were awarded
for their master's thesis about low-energy GPS positioning and
Mathias Hallmén was awarded for his master's thesis about map-aided
GPS tracking in urban areas.
thesis 1
thesis 2
The paper Features for micro-Doppler based activity
classification, with Gustaf Hendeby as one co-author, was one
of the 20 most downloaded papers
across all IET Journal titles in January 2016. The paper is a
combined result of the Security Link project DASA and the FOCUS
project muDAC.
Johan Löfberg, Svante Gunnarsson and Jonas Hyllengren have been
nominated for the Mechanical engineering student's teacher prize.
(in Swedish)
Anders Hansson's introductory lecture about control engineering has received
praise from the students.
Student blog
(in Swedish)
The Smart Savannahs project is given attention in the magazine
(in Swedish)
Fredrik Gustafsson has, together with Johan Bergenäs, written a debate
article in the Swedish business magazine Veckans Affärer on the need
for bigger research visions.
affärer article (in Swedish)
The Swedish business magazine Veckans Affärer has listed the
Swedish super companies of 2015. The spin-off company NIRA Dynamics
is ranked over-all number two in Sweden, and also Softube is on this
list. Only one out of ten thousand companies qualifies to be a super
company in their definition.
affärer article (in Swedish)
Claudio Altafini has received a grant from the Swedish Research Council (VR) for a project about Decision making on networked systems in presence of antagonistic interactions.
The Wildlife Security project has been given attention in various
media channels.
radio (in Swedish)
SvD article (in Swedish)
LiU news (in Swedish)
The article Pose Estimation Using Monocular Vision and Inertial Sensors Aided with Ultra Wide Band by Hanna Nyqvist, Martin Skoglund, Gustaf Hendeby and Fredrik Gustafsson has been nominated for the Best paper award at the International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation.
The spin-off company SenionLab has been given attention in a local newspaper.
Article (in
Maplesoft has published a user case study that concerns a joint
project between ABB and our division and a master's thesis at ABB Robotics.
case study
Several videos where Lennart Ljung talks about system
identification have been posted on the web by Mathworks.
Video series
Martin Nilsson has been awarded a scholarship by
Radionavigeringsnämnden for his master's thesis about indoor positioning.
The project about wildlife protection is given attention in the
local newspapers.
NT article (in Swedish)
Carsten Fritsche has been selected as an Exemplary Reviewer for IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
André Carvalho Bittencourt's research about friction modeling and
diagnosis is described in an article in Ny Teknik.
Teknik article (in Swedish)
Daniel Axehill has been awarded an Iplom for the course Control theory by the students at the Industrial Engineering and Management (I) program. The award is given annually to the top 5 courses for I students based on the course evaluation result.
2014-11-04Anders Hansson has received a grant from the Swedish Research Council (VR) for a project about Distributed optimization for scalable computations in control.
2014-11-04Tianshi Chen has received a grant from the Swedish Research Council (VR) for a project about Kernel-based regularization methods for system identification.
2014-10-31The paper Indoor Positioning Using Multi-Frequency RSS with Foot-Mounted INS, with Martin Skoglund and Gustaf Hendeby as co-authors, has been selected as the 2nd best paper at the International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation.
The Wildlife Security project contributes to a new Commitment to
Action within the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).
CGI webpage
Project homepage
news (in Swedish)
news (in Swedish)
LiU news (in Swedish)
André Carvalho Bittencourt's PhD thesis is given attention on the
university homepage.
LiU news (in Swedish)
The paper Automatic robust convex programming by Johan Löfberg has been selected as one of the Editor's choice articles to showcase the Taylor & Francis journal Optimization Methods and Software.
2014-09-12The paper Smoothed state estimates under abrupt changes using sum-of-norms regularization by Henrik Ohlsson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Lennart Ljung and Stephen Boyd has received the Automatica paper prize.
2014-09-12The paper System identification of nonlinear state-space models by Thomas B. Schön, Adrian Wills and Brett Ninness has received the Automatica paper prize.
2014-09-12The paper An optimization-based approach to human body motion capture using inertial sensors by Manon Kok, Jeroen D. Hol and Thomas B. Schön was nominated for the application paper prize at the 18th IFAC World Congress.
2014-09-12Fredrik Gustafsson and Martin Enqvist are co-applicants in an EU project about Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems for Marine and Coastal Monitoring that now has been granted funding.
On July 3rd, LINK-SIC's chairman Gunnar Holmberg, Saab, and Johan
Bergenäs, Stimson Center and Linköping University, participated in a
debate in Almedalen about the use of UAV's in society. One of the
topics discussed was the Ngulia project.
(In Swedish)
On July 1st, Fredrik Gustafsson will give a seminar about innovation
efforts in Sweden during the Almedalen week together with some leading
politicians and researchers.
Invitation (In Swedish)
Patrik Axelsson's research is described in an article in Hallands
Article (In Swedish)
Fredrik Lindsten has received a postdoc grant from the Swedish Research Council (VR).
2014-06-04Reglermöte, which is a biennial Swedish control conference, was held at Linköping University on June 3-4, 2014.

The Ngulia project, with Fredrik Gustafsson in a leading role, is
described in a Ny Teknik article.
Ny Teknik article (in Swedish)
Fredrik Gunnarsson has been selected as Inventor of the year at
Ericsson AB for his large contributions to the Ericsson patent
portfolio, mainly concerning radio resource management,
self-organizing networks and heterogeneous networks.
Ericsson news item and video
Ericsson photo
SenionLab, which is a spin-off company from the division,
has been selected as one of the 33 most promising new engineering companies in
Sweden by the Ny Teknik magazine and has recieved the Jumpstart
prize from Teknikföretagen and Veryday.
Ny Teknik article (In Swedish)
Teknikföretagen (In Swedish)
Zoran Sjanic's PhD thesis is given attention on the university
LiU news (in Swedish)
Fredrik Gustafsson's research initiative about the use of modern
sensor technologies for wildlife protection is given attention on the
university homepage and in the local news.
LiU news (In Swedish)
Corren article (In Swedish)
24Corren (In Swedish)
Local radio (P4) (In Swedish)
Fredrik Gustafsson has been granted 50 million SEK over ten years as
Distinguished Professor (rådsforskare) by the Swedish Research Council
(Vetenskapsrådet) for the project Scalable Kalman Filters.
VR decision (in Swedish)
Professor Claudio Altafini has now joined Linköping University and our division.
Fredrik Gustafsson has co-authored an article in Svenska Dagbladet
about the possibilities
of UAV monitoring of endangered animals in national parks.
SvD article (In Swedish)
Jonas Callmer's research is given attention in the local newspaper.
Corren article (In Swedish)
Roger Larsson, who got his Licentiate's degree on June 12, is the 100th person who gets a third cycle degree (Licentiate's or PhD) from the division. Roger is working as an industrial PhD student within the Industry Excellence Center LINK-SIC.
Thomas Schön has been awarded the Best PhD thesis award 2013 by the
European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP).
EURASIP homepage
Johan Kihlberg and Simon Tegelid have received the best Master's Thesis award by Dataföreningen Öst for their thesis Map aided indoor positioning.
2013-05-22Fredrik Gustafsson has received a research grant from FFI as one part of a large joint research project called iQMatic. The project topic is autonomous heavy duty vehicles and is to be carried out in collaboration with KTH, Scania, Autoliv, and Saab.
2013-03-07Sina Khoshfetrat Pakazad has been awarded the Teacher prize by the students at the Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering (Y) program.
2012-11-29 Fredrik Gustafsson has been awarded a prize as the entrepreneurial
researcher of the year at Linköping University.
LiU news (In Swedish)
SenionLab has been awarded Danske Bank's rookie prize for being one of
Östergötland's most innovative and promising new companies. SenionLab
is a spin-off company from Linköping University with several people
from the control group involved.
News coverage 1 (in Swedish)
coverage 2 (in Swedish)
Press release (in Swedish)
Karl Granström's PhD thesis is given attention on the university
LiU news coverage (in Swedish)
Martin Enqvist has received a grant from CENIIT for a project about
Adaptive linearization of electronic devices.
CENIIT homepage
Karl Granström became "First Runner Up for the Best Student Paper Award" at the 15th International Conference on Information Fusion for the paper "On the Reduction of Gaussian Inverse Wishart Mixtures" with Umut Orguner as co-author.
2012-04-18Martin Enqvist has been nominated for LinTek's pedagogical prize "Gyllene moroten" by the students at the Information Technology and Computer Science and Engineering programs (D-sektionen).
Lennart Ljung has been interviewed about his ERC Advanced Grant.
LiU news (In Swedish)
Daniel Peretzki, who did his Master's thesis at the division, has
received the NAMUR Award 2011 for his thesis.
from Universität Kassel (In German)
Fredrik Gustafsson has received the 2011 Harry Rowe Mimno Award for
the tutorial "Particle Filter Theory and Practice with Positioning
Applications", which was published in the AESS Magazine in July 2010.
Award webpage
Fredrik Gustafsson has been elevated to IEEE Fellow for "contributions
to theory and applications of statistical signal processing".
IEEE Fellows 2012
Fredrik Gustafsson has been elected to serve in the International
Society for Information Fusion (ISIF) board of directors.
Voting results
Christian Lundquist has been interviewed about his thesis.
LiU news (In Swedish)
Daniel Axehill and Anders Hansson have received a grant from the
Swedish Research Council (VR) for a project about Distributed
Optimization for Hybrid MPC.
VR homepage
Jonas Callmer has been interviewed about his research interests.
LiU news (In Swedish)
Daniel Axehill has received a grant from CENIIT for a project about
Real-time MPC.
CENIIT homepage
An article about the research centers Security Link and FOCUS has
been published in Framtidens forskning.
Article (In Swedish)
Fredrik Gustafsson and Erik G. Larsson have received a grant from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) for a project about Cooperative Localization. Furthermore, Patrick Doherty, Thomas Schön, Anders Ynnerman and Michael Felsberg have received an SSF grant for a project about Collaborative Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
2011-06-08 Fredrik Gustafsson has been awarded Åke Svensson's research scholarship.
LiU news coverage (In Swedish)
Volvo's night vision project, in which Andreas Eidehall works as an
expert, is given attention
in Dagens nyheter. Andreas got his PhD in the division in 2007.
DN's coverage (In Swedish)
Svante Gunnarsson has been awarded LinTek's pedagogical prize "Gyllene moroten". The prize is given to recognize and reward outstanding pedagogical achievements during the previous academic year.
2011-04-14Svante Gunnarsson has been nominated for LinTek's pedagogical prize "Gyllene moroten" by the students at the Industrial Engineering and Management (I) program.
2011-03-03David Törnqvist has been awarded the Teacher prize by the students at the Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering (Y) program and been nominated for LinTek's pedagogical prize "Gyllene moroten".
Lennart Ljung has received a prestigious Advanced Grant from
the European Research Council for research about
Limitations, Estimation, Adaptivity, Reinforcement and Networks in
System Identification. This is a five-year project that will be
performed in cooperation with the Automatic control group at KTH.
ERC homepage
LiU news coverage (In Swedish)
Fredrik Gustafsson has received a large grant from the Swedish
Research Council (VR) for Extended Target Tracking.
VR homepage
Lennart Ljung and Thomas Schön have received grants from the Swedish
Research Council (VR) for projects about Convexity within System
Identification and Calibration of Nonlinear Dynamic
Models, respectively.
VR homepage
Johan Löfberg has received a grant from CENIIT for a project about Advanced
Optimization Algorithms for MPC.
CENIIT homepage
Martin Enqvist was nominated for Gyllene Moroten 2010. Gyllene Moroten
is a prize instituted by LinTek, the student union at the faculty of
technology. The prize is given to recognize and reward outstanding
pedagogical achievements during the previous academic year.
The government published 2009-09-21 the budget proposition
(PROP. 2009/10:1) that announces 40 new strategic centers in
Sweden. Two of these in the areas of ICT and Security have directors
from the automatic control group, see and
Thomas B. Schön has been awarded Gyllene Moroten 2009. Gyllene Moroten
is a prize instituted by LinTek, the student union at the faculty of
technology. The prize is given to recognize and reward outstanding
pedagogical achievements during the previous academic year.
Our long-time co-worker Anna Hagenblad passed away on February 16,
only 37 years old.
Till minne av Anna
The CADICS (Control, Autonomy, and Decision-making in Complex Systems)
Linnaeus excellence center - of which the Automatic Control group is a
member - has been awarded funding for 10 years by the Swedish Research
Council (VR) as one of twenty prominent Swedish research environments.
press release (In Swedish)
LiU news coverage (In Swedish)
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) has granted money
to start a Center for integrated optimal planing and control in
process industry. The Automatic Control group is one of the partners
involved in the project.
SSF press release (In Swedish)
LiU news coverage (In Swedish)
LINK-SIC (Linköping Center for Sensor Informatics and Control) is an
Industry Excellence Center that has been granted funding from Vinnova
and several companies. The center will be organized around the
Automatic Control and Vehicular Systems research groups and the
research projects involve five industrial partners: ABB Corporate
Research, ABB Robotics, GM Powertrain Sweden AB, Saab AB and Scania
LiU news coverage (In Swedish)
Automatic Control undergraduate studies constellation (the research
groups Automatic Control and Vehicular Systems) has received a
prestigious award from The Swedish National Agency for Higher
Education (HSV) as one of five outstanding educational environments in
The decision from HSV
LiU news coverage
Erik Wernholt's research on identification of models for industrial
robots is given attention
in Ny
Lennart Ljung has been awarded the IEEE Control Systems Award for 2007
"For seminal contributions to system identification and its impact on
industrial practice".
Lennart Ljung has been awarded an honorary degree from Helsinki
University of Technology. The degree acknowledges his contributions to
science, technology and international cooperation. The award ceremony
will take place on April 2, 2008.
Andreas Eidehall's research on automotive collision avoidance is given
attention in newspapers, radio and TV.
Anders Hansson will co-ordinate a 2.1 Million Euro project funded by
the European Commission on Clearance of Flight Control Laws using
Inger Klein received 450 000 SEK from CENIIT for Diagnosis for
industrial processes.
CENIIT homepage
Anders Hansson received 450 000 SEK from CENIIT for Optimization for
Anders Hansson and Anders Helmersson received 2 025 000 SEK from the
Swedish research Council for Low-Order Robust Controller Design.
PhD Student Johanna Wallén shares, together with Linnéa Rosenbaum at
Electronic Systems, the
University Equality Award for starting and running the female PhD
student network LiTHe Doqtor.
LiU news
PhD Student Jeroen Hol received an award for his Master Thesis on
Sensor Fusion for Augmented Reality, supervised by the group.
Ingela Lind, Johanna Wallén, and Inger Klein are interviewed on local
television regarding the female PhD student network LiTHe Doqtor.
The 15th ERNSI Workshop on System Identification will take place at
Automatic Control, Linköping University on September 20 and 21, 2006.
ERNSI 2006
A workshop on the occasion of Lennart Ljung's 60th birthday will be
held on Friday, September 22, 2006.
Forever Ljung
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) has granted Prof
Lennart Ljung 45
million SEK over 5 years for the creation of a research center within modelling, visualisation and information
Mikael Norrlöf and Prof Svante Gunnarsson have recieved a grant (3
years, ~600 kSEK/year) from the Swedish Research Council (VR) for the
project "Sensor integration with application in modeling and control of
advanced industrial robot".
Jonas Jansson is interviewed on the local radio news and national
television, about his research on collision mitigation.
radio 2 juni
Lecturer Inger Klein has been nominated to "Gyllene Moroten", for her
teaching activities.
Rickard Karlsson's patented particle filter navigation for ships
is given attention in various magazines and newspapers.
All the links
Director of Studies Kent Hartman receives an award for his engagement
in education, on different levels.
The prize was awarded by AF (Akademiska Föreningen) in Linköping.
Article about intelligent cars in the local newspaper,
focuses on Professor Fredrik Gustafssons research
The science council grants large funds for Professors
Lennart Ljung, Fredrik Gustafsson, and Anders Hansson.
in Swedish
Softube, ett företag med rötter i gruppen, syns i
Digital simulering ger rätta soundet
Simulerat ljud får riskpengar
Stefan Glawing, student på
Y-programmet, har fått pris för bästa examensarbete inom
SKF-koncernen i Sverige. Examensarbetet har utförts vid Ovako
Steel i Hofors och har titeln Modellering av härdbarhet med
hjälp av neurala nätverk. Prissumman är 15000:-.
Ragnar Wallin received the Best
Student-Paper Award at the 2004 IEEE International
Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design in
Taipei, Taiwan.
Professor Lennart Ljung has been
awarded the honor of "Doctor Honoris Causa", by
l'Université de Technologie de Troyes, France. The award will be
presented on September 15, 2004.
Professor Lennart Ljung will be awarded the
honor of "Doctor Honoris Causa" by the Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven on Wednesday October 13, 2004. Read more
Page responsible: Martin Enqvist
Last updated: 2024-08-20