Topics in Convex Optimization
August 25-26, 2011
In cooporation with CADICS
General Information
The course is given August 25-26 by Stephen Boyd and it will be held at the department of Automatic Control
- See the literature below
Organization and Examination
- Lectures: 9.00-17.00 both days with lunch break 12-13
- Location: Visionen, Building B, Ground Floor (Level 2), Campus Valla, Linköping. Map
- Course credits: 2hp
- Examination: Complete the homework assignments
- Homework assignment 1: Exercise 3 in Homework 7 which is found here. This exercise need not to be handed in.
- Homework assignment 2:
Solve the problem:
minimize 1/2||Ax-b||^2_2
s.t. ||x||_{\infty}<=1.
where A\in R^{m \times n}, m>n
- The solution should use factorization caching
- Compare to Matlab x = A\b
- Optional Use sparse A; Use the LSQR routine
- Solutions should be working code with comments explaining the necessary details. Send your solution to
Course Literature
- A paper on ADMM
- Lectures 8--13 of EE364b
- Code generation for embedded optimization
Suggested course contents and relevant links
Optional: Course in Convex Optimization and/or Machine Learning
Page responsible: Torkel Glad
Last updated: 2024-08-20