Graduate Course in Modelling.
Period 2, 2000
General information:
The course covers modelling of dynamic systems based on physical (or chemical, biological, economic, etc) insight. It can be seen as a continuation of one of the undergraduate courses "Modellbygge och simulering" or "Modellering av industriella system".
The course consists of a series of seminars by the participants and possibly a few guest lectures. The topics for seminars are chosen from the list below (or possibly additional ones are invented).
Topics for seminars
* Vector valued bond graphs* Bond graphs and thermodynamics
* Is there a mathematical theory for bond graphs?
* Bond graphs without energy
* Model simplification: singular perturbations.
* What is the index of an algebraic-differential system?
* How are algebraic-differential-systems simulated?
* What is the relation between differential-algebraic and algebraic differential systems?
* What is semi-physical modelling?
* General modelling philosophies
* Switches in continuous systems
Note: Some of the topics above are quite broad, and might be suitable for joint work by several persons.
Preliminary plan
Seminars on Wednesdays 15-17.
Date | Subject | Speaker |
Nov 8 | Graphs and state space | Torkel |
Nov 22 | Semi-physical modeling | Måns |
Nov 29 | Mathematical theory for bond graphs | Jacob |
Nov 29 | Index of DAEs | Fredrik T |
Dec 6 | Simulation of DAEs | Jonas E |
Dec 6 | Modelica | Tony |
Jan 10 | Singular perturbations | Ola |
Jan 10 | Switched systems | Jonas J |
Jan 17 | Gröbner bases and polynomial SISO | Mattias |
Jan 17 | Stateflow | Frida |
Jan 18 | Infinite-dimensional systems | Johan |
Jan 18 | Initial conditions for DAEs | Niclas |
Jan 25 | Vector bond graphs | David |
Jan 25 | Thermodynamic models | Per |
Place: Jan 18, Jan 25: "Monday meeting room"; Jan 17: "Kompakta rummet".
Course coordinator:
Torkel Glad, BVA 541, tel 28 1308, E-mail:
To get credit for the course one has to* Give a 45 minute seminar on one of the topics.
* Post a ps-file of the slides of the seminar on this www-page.
* Submit a 2-3 page written abstract of the subject of the seminar to the course files. (Unnecessary if the slides are reasonably detailed)
* Make a simulation of a "reasonably sized" system in Modelica, Simulink, 20sim or some other simulation language, and report the results.
Last modified: Thu Jan 18 17:04:53 MET 2001 by Torkel Glad .
Page responsible: Torkel Glad
Last updated: 2024-08-20