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- For each industrial partner a Contact group (TKG) is
established. It comprises two or three people from the company and
two or three people from the university part of ISIS. It is the basis
for information dissemination and seed project discussions. The TKG
as such is not linked to any particular project, but may contain
persons from either side that participate in a joint project.
- While the activities of ISIS certainly may contain regular
contract research/development projects (``uppdragsforskning''), the
main thrust of ISIS is to develop competence. Graduate
education (``forskarutbildning'') is an integral part of ISIS.
- Any ISIS project shall have a well defined industrial
interface. This could be as a formal joint industry/university
project aiming for a specific goal/product within a given time. It
could also be in the form of parallel and integrated activities,
without formalizing them as a joint project. Another format is a
jointly supervised graduate research project.
Lennart Ljung
Thu Apr 4 14:16:44 MET DST 1996