An extension to ordinary MPC is also to include the ability to use binary variables as control signals and as internal variables in the model description.
The central idea in MPC is to state the control problem as an optimization problem, and solve this optimization problem on-line repeatedly. When binary variables are used in MPC, the optimization problem to solve is changed from a Quadratic Program (QP) to a Mixed Integer Quadratic Program (MIQP), where the latter is known in general to be NP-hard.
The research is performed in collaboration with ABB Corporate Research.
As an example of linear MPC, let us consider a linear system
D. Axehill. A Preprocessing Algorithm for MIQP Solvers with Applications to MPC. Reglermöte 2004, 2004. |
D. Axehill. A Preprocessing Algorithm for MIQP Solvers with Applications to MPC. Reglermöte 2004 and ISIS Workshop 2004, 2004. |