The global, heterogenous communications system is considered as the largest man-made system all categories. Due to the dramatic increase in number of users and their demand for more advanced services, the available resources have to be utilized efficiently. This is especially critical in the subset of wireless cellular communications systems, and in applications which require specific real-time behavior. The main resource management objective is to efficiently utilize the available radio spectra, while maintaining the quality of service requirements from the users.
A wireless communication system comprises many algorithms which have to be implemented in a distributed fashion but mutually affect each other. Also the information is distributed, and full observability of the system behavior is almost always not possible. Therefore, careful design and analysis of the various algorithms is crucial.
This project is carried out by Division of Communication Systems and Division of Automatic Control in cooperation with Ericsson Research. The aim is to apply methods from control theory and signal processing to different layers of wireless communications systems.
[C9] | F. Gunnarsson and F. Gustafsson. Power control in cellular radio systems from a control theory perspective. Survey paper. Proc. IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, Jul 2002. |
[C12] | E. Geijer-Lundin, F. Gunnarsson, and F. Gustafsson. Uplink load estimates in WCDMA with different availability of measurements. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring, Seoul, Korea, May, 2003. |
[C13] | E. Geijer-Lundin, F. Gunnarsson, and F. Gustafsson. Adaptive filtering applied to an uplink load estimate in WCDMA. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring, Seoul, Korea, May, 2003. |
[C16] | F. Gunnarsson, D. Törnqvist, E. Geijer-Lundin, G. Bark, N. Wiberg, E. Englund. Uplink Transmission Timing in WCDMA. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, October 2003. |
[C17] | F. Gunnarsson, F. Gunnarsson, F. Gustafsson. Controlling Internet Queue Dynamics using Recursively Identified Models. Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2003. |
A prerequisite for proper behavior of radio network algorithms is that not more users than actually can be served are admitted into the system [C3]. This is of course intuitive, but with limited observability rather difficult to ensure. The situation is especially hard in the uplink communications from mobiles to the base stations, since the system has no absolute control of the transmitter powers of the mobiles. These depend in turn on the radio propagation conditions, which are subject to rapid changes. Easiest to implement is to associate each service with a predefined value and simply per cell sum the contributions from all connected users. This is often referred to as hard capacity. An alternative is to use a measure (soft capacity) that is related to the actual load at the base station receiver. A relevant quantity is the total received power relative to the noise power, often referred to as the noise rise, NR. This can be associated to a cell load L, which is defined by
Some work bridges the projects. Positioning in wireless communication networks is one example where a sensor fusion approach is used to address the problem. Since non-linearities and non-Gaussian noise are present, the particle filtering framework is plausible [J4, C10, C14]. Other work include signal processing of pilot power measurements [C15].
[J1] | F. Gunnarsson, F. Gustafsson, J. Blom. Dynamical effects of time delays and time delay compensation in power controlled DS-CDMA IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 19(1), January 2001. |
[J2] | F. Gunnarsson, F. Gustafsson. Time delay compensation in power controlled cellular radio systems . IEEE Communcations Letters 5(7), July 2001. |
[J3] | F. Gunnarsson and F. Gustafsson. Convergence of some power control algorithms with time delay compensation. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2003. |
[J4] | F. Gustafsson, F. Gunnarsson, N. Bergman, U. Forssell, J. Jansson, R. Karlsson, and P.-J. Nordlund. Particle filters for positioning, navigation, and tracking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 50(2), Feb 2002. |
[J5] | F. Gunnarsson, F. Gustafsson. Control theory aspects of power control in UMTS . Control Engineering Practice, 11(10), pp 1113-1125, Oct. 2003. |
[J6] | F. Gunnarsson, J. Blom, F. Gustafsson Parameter estimation using measurements from cellular radio systems. To appear in Wireless Networks, 2003. |
[J7] | F. Gunnarsson. Fundamental Limitations of Power Control and Radio Resource Management in Wireless Networks. To appear in Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal. |
[C1] | E. Geijer Lundin, F. Gunnarsson, F. Gustafsson. Admission Control in WCDMA Based on Relative Load Estimates . Proc. Nordic Radio Symposium, Nynäshamn, Sweden. March 2001. |
[C2] | F. Gunnarsson, F. Gunnarsson, F. Gustafsson. TCP Performance based on Queue Occupation Proc. Nordic Radio Symposium, Nynäshamn, Sweden. March 2001. |
[C3] | F. Gunnarsson, Fundamental Limitations of Power Control in WCDMA Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, October 2001. |
[C4] | F. Gunnarsson, E. Geijer-Lundin, G. Bark, N. Wiberg Uplink admission control in WCDMA based on relative load estimates Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York, NY, USA, April 2002. |
[C5] | F. Gunnarsson, F. Gunnarsson, and F. Gustafsson. Aspects on performance measurements of TCP traffic and its reflections into control theory. Proc. Reglermöte, Linköping, Sweden, May 2002. |
[C6] | F. Gunnarsson, F. Gunnarsson, and F. Gustafsson. Aspects on performance measurements of TCP traffic and its reflections into control theory. Proc. RadioVetenskaplig Konferens, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2002. |
[C7] | E. Geijer-Lundin and F. Gunnarsson. Uplink load estimation in WCDMA. Proc. Reglermöte, Linköping, Sweden, May 2002. |
[C8] | E. Geijer-Lundin and F. Gunnarsson. Uplink load estimation in WCDMA. Proc. RadioVetenskaplig Konferens, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2002. |
[C9] | F. Gunnarsson and F. Gustafsson. Power control in cellular radio systems from a control theory perspective. Survey paper. Proc. IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, Jul 2002. |
[C10] | P.-J. Nordlund, F. Gunnarsson, and F. Gustafsson. Particle filters for positioning in wireless networks. Proc. European Signal Processing Conference, Toulouse, France, Sep 2002. |
[C11] | E. Geijer-Lundin, F. Gunnarsson, and F. Gustafsson. Uplink load estimation in WCDMA. Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networks Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, March, 2003. |
[C12] | E. Geijer-Lundin, F. Gunnarsson, and F. Gustafsson. Uplink load estimates in WCDMA with different availability of measurements. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring, Seoul, Korea, May, 2003. |
[C13] | E. Geijer-Lundin, F. Gunnarsson, and F. Gustafsson. Adaptive filtering applied to an uplink load estimate in WCDMA. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring, Seoul, Korea, May, 2003. |
[C14] | F. Gustafsson and F. Gunnarsson. Positioning using Time Difference of Arrival Measurements. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, April, 2003. |
[C15] | F. Gunnarsson. Convolutional Spatial Filtering of Pilot Power Measurements. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, April, 2003. |
[C16] | F. Gunnarsson, D. Törnqvist, E. Geijer-Lundin, G. Bark, N. Wiberg, E. Englund. Uplink Transmission Timing in WCDMA. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, October 2003. |
[C17] | F. Gunnarsson, F. Gunnarsson, F. Gustafsson. Controlling Internet Queue Dynamics using Recursively Identified Models. Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2003. |
[R1] | F. Gunnarsson, A. Björsson, B. Knutsson, F. Gunnarsson, F. Gustafsson. Radio Access Network (UTRAN) Modeling for Heterogenous Network Simulations . Technical Report, LiTH-ISY-R-2533, Aug. 2003. |
[P1] | F. Gunnarsson, J. Blom, F. Gustafsson. Method and System for Quality-Based Power Control in Cellular Communications Systems .US Patent US6449462. Published September 10, 2002. |
[P2] | F. Gunnarsson, F. Gustafsson, N. Wiberg. Transmit Power Control Time Delay Compensation in a Wireless Communications System .US Patent US6493541. Published December 10, 2002. |