Hybrid systems: schedule
No. | Date, time | Place | Papers | Presented by | Handouts |
1 | 010427, 10-12 | Algoritmen | Introduction | Simin Nadjm-Tehrani and | Part 1 |
Inger Klein | Part 2 | ||||
2 | 010504, 10-12 | Estraden | Engell et.al. "Continuos-Discrete Interactions in Chemical Processing Plants" | David Lindgren, david@isy.liu.se | |
Alur et.al. "The algorithmic analysis of hybrid systems" | Dan Lawesson, danla@ida.liu.se | Handouts | |||
3 | 010511, 10-12 | Algoritmen | Horowitz et.al. "Control design of an automated highway system" | Erik Wernholt, erikw@isy.liu.se | Handouts |
Mosterman "An overview of hybrid simulation phenomena and their support by simulation packages" | Peter Bunus, petbu@ida.liu.se | ||||
4 | 010518, 10-12 | Algoritmen | Koutsoukus et.al. "Supervisory control of hybrid systems" | Frida Gunnarsson, frida@isy.liu.se | Handouts |
Bemporad et.al. "Control of systems integrating logic, dynamics, and constraints" | Jacob Roll, roll@isy.liu.se | Handouts | |||
5 | 010523,15-17 | Algoritmen | Edström "Mode switching in simulation" | Peter Aronsson, petar@ida.liu.se | |
Livadas et.al. "High-Level Modeleing and Analysis of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)" | Daniel Karlsson, danka@ida.liu.se | Handouts | |||
6 | 010601, 10-12 | Algoritmen | McClamroch et.al."Performance benefits of hybrid control design for linear and nonlinear systems" | Martin Enqvist, maren@isy.liu.se | |
Pepyne et.al., "Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems in Manufacturing" | Patrik Haslum, pahas@ida.liu.se | ||||
7 | 010608, 10-12 | Algoritmen | Decarlo et.al., "Perspectives and Results on the Stability and Stabilizability of Hybrid Systems" | Svante Björklund, svabj@isy.liu.se | |
Alur et.al. "Discrete Abstractions of Hybrid Systems" | Ljijana Vukelja, ljivu992@student.liu.se | Part 2 | |||
8 | 010615, 10-12 | Algoritmen | Tool presentation: Modelica | Peter Bunus, petbu@ida.liu.se, Peter Aronsson, petar@ida.liu.se |
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Inger Klein
Informationsansvarig: Inger Klein
Senast uppdaterad: 2012-10-30