Robot Modeling and Control
There are two assigments in the course. Details are given in the table below. The assignments I and II should be solved individually. However, it is allowed to discuss the solutions with other students.
Short description | Dead-line | Files | |
Assignment I | Create a model of the ABB IRB1600-8/1.45 robot. | 2014-01-29 (new!) | assignment_partI.pdf, prodSpecIRB1600.pdf, dataSheetIRB1600.pdf |
Assignment II | Control the model developed in assigment I. | 2014-02-19 (new) | assignment_partII.pdf |
Lab exercise
There is one lab exercise in the course. The lab exercise can be done in pairs, i.e. one computer with RobotStudio per two students is enough.Room and time | Short description | Files | |
Jan 31, Ljungeln 9-12, Filtret 13-15 | Hands on experience in RobotStudio. | labPrepAndEx.pdf |
Install RobotStudio
To be able to participate in the lab session you will have to install RobotStudio. You find the software to be installed through this link in the local file systemCopy the file
Note: You may have to reboot the computer while installing RobotStudio. In this case run "launch.exe" again after the reboot to finish the installation procedure.

Contact person
Mikael Norrlöf, (, (phone: +46 13 282704, +46 21 346017)
Informationsansvarig: Mikael Norrlöf
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-08-20